Keep Food Safe!

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Our Mission

We want to make the food world safer, by helping identify safe and un-safe foods.

We’re going to make food sensitivities stand out, and reduce accidental contamination! Join us!


Our stickers are big, bright, and bold. They stand out because food sensitivities should stand out.

Our stickers stand out and announce a food sensitivity. They don’t replace good food handling techniques, they provide a reminder to use them. Want schoolmates or coworkers to remember your peanut allergy? Slap a sticker on your lunch!

Nuts Free Sticker


We figured out how to make and deliver our stickers at low cost, so you can label everything.

This is important to raise awareness of a food sensitivity to everyone who uses your kitchen. It’s a reminder to take steps to prevent food contamination.

Gluten Sticker Sheets on Fridge


Our stickers are fun! Just peel and stick, adding colour to your pantry!

Of course, food sensitivities are serious. But we still think you deserve a little fun in life.

Sticker Sheets - Gluten with Excess Backer

Oooops Protection

People care, but we all make mistakes.

Our red octagons let anyone easily identify that food has become contaminated (or might be contaminated). Just slap a red sticker on. Or three. Your loved one will know you care!

…even if you don’t fess up.

Contains Nuts Sticker

Easy to Remove

We carefully selected an adhesive that sticks well, and can be removed without residue. Now it’s easy to label reusable containers, and make sure the sticker matches the contents!

Removing Gluten Free Sticker


Food sensitivities don’t know borders, and don’t respect languages (darn you, contaminants!).

We help you fight back, and include English, French, and Spanish on our stickers.

Peanut Free Sticker

We want your feedback. Let us know how we can improve our products and services, to help keep your food safe! Email us at, we’d love to hear from you!

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